
No A/B test, no success? Three Questions on Conversion Rate Optimization

Philipp Hiemer

Service Owner UX

How do you turn interested website visitors into satisfied users? This is the art of conversion rate optimization. After all, visitors should not leave a website immediately; they should interact with the content and purchase a product or book a service. The conversion rate shows how many users perform a certain action on the website. Our Service Owner UX, Philipp Hiemer, reveals the best tricks and hacks around the conversion rate and explains which mistake is made particularly often.

What is the key principle for successful conversion rate optimization? 

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) always follows the same process: analysis, strategy, A/B testing, and evaluation. The decisive factor here is a holistic approach. Our approach at Webrepublic is characterized above all by interdisciplinary thinking. In addition to classic UX best practices, we also take into account industry-specific trends and studies from recognized institutions. At the same time, we ensure that we do not lose sight of other topics such as SEO, website accessibility, and tech performance.

CRO often involves extensive A/B testing and data analysis. Is there a finding from a particularly effective CRO experiment that surprised you?

Companies often implement ideas directly without A/B test validation due to lack of resources. However, the analyses show that even recognized UX best practices can sometimes have a negative impact on performance, due in part to the complex decision-making process of users. Without A/B testing and evaluation, companies miss these insights.

For example, a “Quick-Add” function can lead to more conversions, but it can have a negative impact on the Average Order Value because users get directly to the “target” without detours such as upsells and other products. This illustrates how important it is to measure website customization in a targeted way. 

Another example: it is generally accepted that the average delivery time should be displayed in the shopping cart at the latest. But this information alone is no guarantee of success, as we observed with a customer who runs an online store. Although the delivery time was displayed, it was five to seven days. Many users found this far too long and jumped off when checking out. A successful user experience is not only about design but also about service.

In an ever-changing digital landscape, user behavior and preferences change rapidly. How do companies stay ahead of the curve in terms of CRO strategies and effectively adapt to new trends and technologies?

There is no substitute for A/B testing. User trends and expectations are constantly evolving. What works today may lose its impact next week. That’s why it’s important to set up a strong, interdisciplinary CRO team that takes into account different aspects: engineering, design, marketing, and research. In addition, the joy of experimentation and short decision-making paths help to react quickly to new movements.

Curious now? Check out our whitepaper for more useful insights and tips on conversion rate optimization.


Whitepaper on Conversion Rate Optimization for Landing Pages

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