Our solution-driven website strategy aligns user needs with specific business goals, ensuring a targeted, measurable and cost-effective optimization process. This process is tied to key objectives such as profitability, sales and conversions, and retention.


Common goals for website improvements:

  • Helping users to find the right product/service (user guidance)
  • Incentivizing users to increase the average order value (AOV)
  • Reducing product returns and support requests
  • Increasing sign-up and click-through rates
  • Increasing the overall usability of websites
  • Increasing the technical performance of websites


Our services:

Conversion Rate Optimization

From UX website analyses to ongoing A/B testing, we support our clients from start to finish, translating uncertainties into lasting business value.


Three-step Conversion Rate Optimization Process

Three-step Conversion Rate Optimization Process; 1. UX Audit, 2. Optimization Strategy, 3. A/B Testing

What we offer:

  • UX Research & Benchmark Analysis
  • UX Expert Analysis & Qualitative Usability Testing
  • Digital Analytics Health Check by our Digital Analytics Consultants
  • A/B Testing Plan Creation
  • A/B Testing Setup & Performance Monitoring

Landing Page Optimization

As the leading digital agency in Switzerland, we think beyond the ad-click and support clients in their endeavor to maximize the ROI of their marketing spend.


Contentual alignment of advertisement and post-click landing page

Mobile and Web view of an advertisement and a landing page with arrows symbolizing the alignment

What we offer:

  • Enabling of interdisciplinary collaboration between marketing and product teams
  • Contentual alignment of advertisements and landing pages
  • A/B Testing Tool Setup
  • A/B Testing Setup & Performance Monitoring

Website Accessibility Optimization

Making a website accessible is not just a moral imperative, but a great business opportunity to reach prospects and retain customers. Keeping the European Accessibility Act in mind, we support clients in fulfilling the WCAG 2.1. (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)


Webpage with person sitting in a wheelchair

Webpage with person sitting in a wheelchair

What we offer:

  • WCAG 2.1 Evaluation & Consulting
  • Accessibility User Testing
  • User Interface Optimization Consulting
  • Content Optimization Consulting
  • Front End Optimization Consulting

Technical Optimization

The user experience of a website builds upon a reliable technical performance. Our digital consultants support clients with expert knowledge for a targeted optimization backlog.


Core Web Vitals visualization

Core Web Vitals visualization; 1. Loading Experience, 2. Interactivity, 3. Visual Stability

What we offer:

  • Technical Audit
  • Page Speed & Core Web Vital Optimization
  • Structured Data Guidelines
  • Indexing & Crawling Strategy
  • International SEO & Domain Strategy
  • Technical Relaunch Support

Content Optimization

Content is the essence of a website and has a huge impact on KPIs. Our integrated approach to digital strategy enables us to complement existing services with content optimization.

Content optimized for the search engine and target audience

A pictogram of copy pointing to a pictogram of the search engine and target audience

What we offer:

  • Content Auditing
  • Keyword Research & Keyword Mapping
  • Competitor & Gap Analysis
  • Content Creation
  • Content Optimization/Creation Guidelines
  • User Experience (UX) Writing
  • Internal Linking Strategy

Do you want to unlock your online success with our strategic website services?